Our Donors

Sr. No Name Amount
1Sudesh Bhise    (Donated the Shade material )Rs. 80000
2MLA Clafacio Dias  (Donated :Front / side grills and back wall  tiles )RS.75000
3Franky Antao (Anthoi )Rs.60,000
4Paul Barretto Rs.35,000
5Padwin DcostaRs.20,000
6Stanley Hardigali (Austin’s Cousin) Rs.20,000
7Sheby And Blaze D’souzaRs.20,000
8Edwin and Shani Antao Rs.20,000
9Paul and Evon Mascarenhas Rs.20,000
10Gabriel & Blossom Dcosta Rs.15000
11Manoj Sharma (Idea Tower)Rs.15,000
12Albert (Magna’s Husband)  (Donated : 40 Bags of Cement)Rs.14,000
13Voller Mascarenhas Rs.10,000
14Fabian Antao Rs.10,000
15Thomas Mascarenhas Rs.10,000
16Joviton Dcosta Rs.10,000
17Roy Antao Rs.10,000
18Zunnium Dias Rs.10,000
19Ivon Pinto Rs.10,000
20Joltan DcostaRs.10,000
21Tony Dias    ( Donated : material )Rs.10,000
22Kneddy John Fernandes Rs.10,000
23Kneddy John Fernandes Rs.10000
24Clayton DiasRs.8000
25Joe Mascarenhas (Fidel Uncle son)Rs.7500
26Ajit sing KumarRs.7000
27Anthoi seamen boys franzel etcRs.6500
28Poppy (Mahalaximi Bar & Resort )   (Donated : Sand )Rs.6000
29Marvin Dsouza (Tutush)Rs.5000
30Johnson D’silvaRs.5000
31Hanuman NaikRs.5000
32Satan DouradoRs.5000
33Myron Dias Rs.5000
34Anthony Fernandes Rs.5000
35Marcel Dias Rs.5000
36Shewta FernandesRs.5000
37Annonynomous Donation Rs.5000
38Karol Wojtyla Da Costa (Anthoi)Rs.10000
39Amira and Aliston Antao RS.2000
40Melwin Travasso Rs.5000
41Rollin Dcosta Rs.5000
42Sevaraj Dcosta and Johnson Dsilva Rs.5000
43Baltazar Mario fernandesRs.5000
44Efy TravasoRs.5000
45Franzel Rebello (Mack)Rs.5000
46Teacher Elvira MascarenhasRs.5000
47Teahcer Bella PereiraRs.4000
48Benny FijardoRs.3500
49Jos AntaoRs.3000
50Menin D’silva Rs.3000
51Julio & Leena Fernandes Rs. 3000
52Sanjay Zamodkar RS.3000
53Sheby FernandesRs.2000
54Classan Bar Rs.2000
55Denroy Barreto UkRs.2000
56Canny Menezes Rs.2000
57Jackson Fernandes MollRs.2000
58Philip Antao Rs.1000
59Sevaraj DcostaRs.1000
60Sidya (Relative of Ganesh)Rs.1000
61Alfaj  (Mahamad’s brother)Rs.1000
62Tito – Cozy Corner BarRs.500
63Sidney FernandesRs.500



 Jimmy Cardozo

Freddy D’cosa  (Did the wring for free and donated 4 tubelights and one Fan)

